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Invisible Lid

A jar is filled with a bunch of fleas, and then a lid is placed on top of the jar. At first, the fleas will jump up and hit the lid, trying to escape. But eventually, they'll realize that they can't jump any higher than the lid, and they'll stop trying. Even if the lid is removed, the fleas will still not jump higher than the height of the previous lid.

What's the lesson here, you might ask? Well, it's simple: Sometimes we set mental limits for ourselves based on our past experiences and expectations. Even when we're physically capable of achieving more, we might hold ourselves back because we think that's as far as we can go.

But here's the thing: those mental limits are just that - mental. They're not real! So next time you feel like you're hitting a ceiling in your own life, try breaking through it. You might just surprise yourself with what you can accomplish.