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Don't Be a Sheep

Be careful telling people about your goals. It releases dopamine similar to achieving them.
Don't get trapped in the mental masturbation cycle.
Skip the instant gratification and leave it private until it's permanent.

Phew!! Too much strong words

Life is like a game of dodgeball. Sure, you could play it safe and stay on the sidelines, but where's the fun in that? The real excitement comes from jumping into the action and taking a risk. So go ahead and be the weird one, the one who wears the tutu to the dodgeball game. Because at the end of the day, it's the people who dare to be different that come out on top

Plus, remember that success doesn't come overnight. It's like trying to build a giant Lego tower, it takes time and patience. But don't get discouraged if you mess up a few bricks here and there, just keep building and eventually, you'll have a towering masterpiece that'll make all the other Lego towers look like a pile of blocks. So don't give up, keep working hard, and have fun with the process

So don't be afraid to take risks and stand out from the crowd. Because in the words of that wise old philosopher, Will Ferrell in Old School,

'We're gonna do it for the memories! And we're gonna do it for the people who said we couldn't! And we're gonna do it for the people who love us! And we're gonna do it for the future!

Because that's what this is all about, isn't it? The future! The bright future!'