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BS Meter

Imagine you're walking through a field, and you come across a pile of, well, you know. Now, most people would probably just keep walking and try not to think about it. But not you! No, you're different. You've got a bullshit meter, and you're not afraid to use it.

See, the bullshit meter is like a special superpower that helps you spot BS when you see it.

  • It's like a little voice in your head that says

    • "Hey, that doesn't seem quite right" or
    • "Uh, I'm not so sure about this."

It's like a built-in BS detector that helps you avoid all the nonsense out there.

Now, I know what you're thinking -

  • "But how do I know when my bullshit meter is working?"

Well, here's a little


If something sounds too good to be true, or if it just doesn't make sense, chances are your bullshit meter is going off.

And when that happens, it's usually a good idea to do a little more research before you believe it.

So there you have it! The bullshit meter is your trusty companion for navigating the often confusing world of the internet. Just listen to that little voice in your head, and you'll be well on your way to becoming a BS-detection pro.