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Imposter Syndrome

Hey there! I just wanted to remind you that you are completely and totally awesome. Like, seriously. You are amazing and fantastic and fantastic-amazing. I mean, have you looked at yourself lately? You're a total stud. Or studette. Or whatever. You get the point.

But seriously, you are a rockstar. You've got skills and talents and abilities that most people can only dream of. And even if you don't always feel like it, you should never forget how amazing you are.

Now, I know what you're thinking -

  • "But wait, I'm not that great.
  • I make mistakes all the time and
  • I'm not as smart/good-looking/talented/etc. as other people."

But here's the thing: everyone makes mistakes.

It's just part of being human. And as for the rest of it - well, who cares? You are who you are, and that's what makes you special. So don't waste your time comparing yourself to others. Just be the best you that you can be.

So there you have it!

You are awesome, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Just keep on being you, and you'll be unstoppable.