Universe Expanding into What?
The universe is expanding into... drumroll please... more universe!
It's like a never-ending game of cosmic Tetris, with new pieces constantly falling into place. But instead of blocks, it's galaxies, and instead of a score, it's just... well, the vastness of space. So, don't stress about the future, just keep on expanding and see where the universe takes you!
And just like in Tetris, sometimes you get those "uh-oh" moments when you realize you've made a mistake and the pieces don't fit together perfectly. But that's okay, because the universe is a pretty forgiving place. It's not like the game is over if you mess up. It just means that there's a black hole or a galaxy cluster where things didn't quite work out.
But don't worry, the universe is always expanding and there's always room for more! It's the ultimate game of cosmic Jenga, but instead of pulling out blocks, we're discovering new planets, stars and galaxies. And who knows, maybe one day we'll discover the ultimate piece that makes everything fit perfectly. But until then, let's just sit back, relax, and watch the universe keep on expanding and see what it brings us next